Admissions Appeal - Missed Application DeadlineLoading...This form is for new students to NHCC that have missed an application deadline and are appealing to be accepted after the deadline. If you are transferring in to NHCC and need to submit an appeal for transfer admissions or financial aid because of a previous suspension, please complete our Transfer Admissions Suspension Appeal form instead.Please answer all questions below and attach supporting documentation as available. Incomplete appeals may not be reviewed. Students must have applied for undergraduate admissions to NHCC and complete an application fee payment (or received an application fee waiver) prior to completing this appeal.Student IDsStarID (log-in created when applying for admission online)Tech ID (student number assigned after applying online)Name and Date of BirthFirst NameLast NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Contact InformationEmailCell PhoneSemester and Program InformationWhich term (semester) are you interested in starting at NHCC?Spring 2025I am seeking a degree or certificate through NHCC:YesNoDegree or Certificate interested in at NHCC:.NET Programming CertificateAccounting Management and Computer Information Systems CertificateAccounting Skills CertificateAccounting Technology AASAccounting Transfer Pathway ASAmerican Sign Language CertificateApplication Programming CertificateArt Transfer Pathway AFAAssociate in Arts AABiology Transfer Pathway ASBuilding Inspection Technology CertificateBusiness Communications and Technology Essentials CertificateBusiness Computer Systems and Management AASBusiness Computer Systems and Management ASBusiness Computer Systems and Management CertificateBusiness Principles CertificateBusiness Transfer Pathway ASChemistry Transfer Pathway ASCommunication and Computer Skills CertificateCommunication Studies Transfer Pathway AAComputer Science Transfer Pathway ASConstruction Management ASConstruction Management CertificateConstruction Quality Control and Quality Assurance CertificateConstruction Technology AASCorrections ASCorrections CertificateCreative Writing AFACriminal Justice Transfer Pathway ASData Science ASDigital Knowledge Analysis CertificateE-Commerce Essentials CertificateEconomics Transfer Pathway AAElementary Education Foundations Transfer Pathway ASEngineering Broad Field ASEnglish for Academic Purposes CertificateEnglish Transfer Pathway AAEntrepreneurship AASEntrepreneurship CertificateEthnic Studies AAExercise Science Transfer Pathway ASFilm AAFinance and Investments CertificateFinance Management AASGame Programming CertificateGender and Women's Studies AAGraphic Design ASHealth ASHealth Sciences Broad Field ASHistory Transfer Pathway AAHuman Services ASIndividualized Studies ASInternet Programming CertificateLaw Enforcement Transfer Pathway ASManagement AASManagement CertificateMarketing Specialist ASMarketing Specialist CertificateMass Communication Transfer Pathway AAMathematics Transfer Pathway AAMedical Laboratory Technology AASMicrosoft Office Principles CertificateMicrosoft Office Specialist CertificateMusic AFANot Seeking DegreeNursing ASNutrition ASObject-Oriented Programming certificateParalegal ASParalegal CertificatePeace Officer/Public Safety Transfer Pathway ASPersonal Training CertificatePhlebotomy Technician CertificatePolitical Science Transfer Pathway AAPre-Social Work Transfer Pathway ASProject Management Essentials CertificatePsychology Transfer Pathway AARacial Justice and Social Transformation CertificateSociology Transfer Pathway AASpanish Language CertificateTheatre Transfer Pathway AFAVideo Game Studies CertificateWeb Graphic Design Programming and eCommerce CertificateWellness Coach CertificateWritten Communication Technologies CertificateIf not seeking a degree or certificate through NHCC, please indicate the classes you are interested in taking this upcoming semester:Appeal InformationReason for AppealReason for AppealMissed Application DeadlineI am planning to use financial aid for my courses at NHCC:YesNoI have previously attended another college/university:YesNoI was recently (in the past year) academically suspended from another college/university:YesNoIf you are suspended from another Minn State institution and need to complete a transfer suspension appeal for admissions and/or financial aid, please complete this form instead: Transfer Admissions Suspension AppealExplanation for AppealReason for Missing Application Deadline (select all that apply)Reason for Missing Application Deadline (select all that apply)Applied after deadlineApplied before deadline, but did not submit application fee before deadlineWas not aware of deadlineReferred to NHCC by other institution after deadlinePreviously registered at NHCC (as PSEO or visiting student) without undergrad applicationPlease explain in detail what contributed to you missing NHCC's application deadline:Please upload documentation (if available) that will help us better understand your situation:I have documentation to submit with my appeal:I have documentation to submit with my appeal:YesNoSupporting DocumentationAdditional Supporting DocumentationPlease indicate you understand the following regarding your appeal: An application for admissions to NHCC must be submitted before this appeal.Undergraduate applicants must have completed the required $20 application fee payment OR have an approved application fee waiver.NHCC Admissions will contact me through the email listed above and/or my application for admission with results of my appeal (approved or denied).My appeal may not be reviewed if I have holds, such as a suspension or balance due at a Minn State institution, that will impact my admission or registration to NHCC.Please indicate you understand the following regarding your appeal: An application for admissions to NHCC must be submitted before this appeal.Undergraduate applicants must have completed the required $20 application fee payment OR have an approved application fee waiver.NHCC Admissions will contact me through the email listed above and/or my application for admission with results of my appeal (approved or denied).My appeal may not be reviewed if I have holds, such as a suspension or balance due at a Minn State institution, that will impact my admission or registration to NHCC.I understand all of the items above.Electronic SignatureBy signing this form (typing name as signature), I certify that all the information reported on this form is complete and accurate and that I agree to all electronic signature terms and conditions set forth by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.Please type your name in the box below to sign this Admissions Appeal form.Submit